All plates are routinely aligned with respect to astrometric catalogues. For
a typical Schmidt plate using a linear 6 plate constant model, with say 15 stars,
and the standard Schmidt radial correction term, the external accuracy of the
derived coordinates is arcsec. This coordinate transform information
is available in any of the APM operating modes and is often used in reverse to
scan areas of plate specified by an externally derived celestial coordinate
list. There are essentially 4 main varieties of output available:
A list of parameters for all detected images on the plate. The parameters
convey position, intensity and general shape information and form the backbone
of the APM output. In producing such a list the original 4 Gbytes of data
on a Schmidt plate has been reduced by a factor of with virtually
no loss of information for the vast majority of images. Most of the subsequent
processing operations use this image list. For a typical sky-limited plate in
a high latitude field there are
images in the list.
A 1D wavelength-calibrated spectrum for all objects specified in a target list on an objective prism plate. The target list (in celestial coordinates) is nearly always derived from a normal image scan of an appropriate direct plate. This has the advantages of being able to specify type of target: for example star or galaxies, or, say, magnitude range, and provides a direct method to calibrate out the field distortions caused by the objective prism. Grism plates from 4m class telescopes can also be processed in this mode.
A general purpose multiple raster scanning mode. This is used to provide digitised maps of specified areas of plate at selectable resolution. The maps are written to tape in FITS format and can easily be processed off-line using any standard image processing package. The targets for scanning can be in either celestial or machine coordinates according to the need. A further use of this mode is for interactive object verification using a colour display. Around 800 objects per hour can be examined visually, a very effective, comfortable and much faster alternative than using a microscope.
The off-line software falls into 2 categories: that which can be used on any 2D pixel array to do what might be termed standard image processing operations, including doing astrometry and photometry in crowded fields; and that which is designed to process the image parameter lists output from the normal APM mode of operation (b.). This latter software includes provision for such operations as: image classification - stellar, non-stellar, noise, merged object, internal photometric calibration; collating/merging different datasets in order to assess variablity, colour, proper motion etc.; number density manipulation - isopleth maps, cluster searching etc.; processing objective prism spectra to find rare objects such as quasars, white dwarfs, horizontal branch stars etc.; producing finding charts and overlays and a host of other activities too numerous to mention.
In addition to astronomical plate analysis the facility can be used to both measure and analyse any other type of photographic glass plates or film negatives. A considerable amount of image processing and data analysis software and expertise is available.
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