BAA Comet Section : 2009 Kreutz & other group comets

Updated 2010 Decedmber 27

COMETS C/2008 W1 AND C/2009 A1 (STEREO)
     Further to IAUCs 8955 and 9005, K. Battams has measured (and
B. G. Marsden has reduced) astrometry for two additional near-sun
presumed comets that were found on STEREO website images by A.
Watson.  C/2008 W1, which was observed only by the 'HI1-B'
instrument (onboard STEREO-B), was a Kreutz sungrazer.  C/2008 W1
peaked at magnitude perhaps 9-10; the SOHO LASCO instrument was not
operational when this object was found.  C/2009 A1, which was
detected by the HI1 instruments on both STEREO-A and STEREO-B,
belongs to no known group; D. Chestnov and R. Kracht aided in the
finding of images of this object in HI1-B images after it was
initially found in HI1-A images.  Battams notes that C/2009 A1 was
very faint, peaking around mag 13 (with 14 being the limiting
magnitude of the HI-1 instruments), and it was small and seemingly
diffuse.  The parabolic orbital elements below for C/2009 A1 by
Marsden were published on MPC 65057.

 Comet        2008 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2008 W1    Nov. 18.739   12 28.7  - 7 38   H1B    AW   2009-B10

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 A1    Jan. 10.017   22 28.1  - 3 51   H1A    AW   2009-B10

     T = 2009 Jan. 11.785 TT          Peri. = 102.326
                                      Node  = 340.014   2000.0
     q = 0.12713 AU                   Incl. =  51.472
[IAUC 9025, 2009 March 5]
     Further to IAUC 9051, another slightly diffuse and somewhat
elongated Kreutz sungrazer has been found on STEREO/SECCHI HI-1A
images, reaching peak magnitude about 11.

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 A6    Jan. 2.378    22 11.1  -14 25   HI*    AW   2009-F31
[IAUC 9053, 2009 June 19]
COMETS C/2009 B6, 2009 B7, 2009 C1, AND 2009 C2 (STEREO)
     Further to IAUCs 9053, additional small and slightly diffuse
Kreutz sungrazers have been found on STEREO/SECCHI HI-1A images.
Very approximate peak magnitudes from K. Battams:  C/2009 B6 and
C/2009 B7, 11; C/2009 C1, 11-12; C/2009 C2, 10.

 Comet        2009 UT        R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 B6    Jan. 19.683    23 21.2  - 8 10   HI*    RM   2009-M37
 C/2009 B7         29.739    23 57.1  - 3 43   HI*    RM   2009-M37
 C/2009 C1    Feb. 10.044     0 37.9  + 0 46   HI*    RK   2009-M37
 C/2009 C2         11.822     0 51.3  + 1 05   HI*    KB   2009-M37
[IAUC 9054, 2009 June 29]
COMETS C/2009 A8-A10 AND C/2009 O1 (STEREO)
     Further to IAUC 9054, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on STEREO spacecraft images (CO = COR2-A and COR2-B).  K.
Battams, Naval Research Laboratory, notes that the three January
comets were all small, faint, and slightly diffuse (mag around
11-12).  C/2009 O1, which may have been around mag 6 or 6.5,
appeared as a somewhat-long thin streak with no discernable head or
coma in COR2-A images; in COR2-B images, the comet appeared much
more condensed (possibly slightly diffuse and with a hint of a
barely detectable tail).

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 A8    Jan.  4.544   22 19.2  -13 58   H1A    AW   2009-O25
 C/2009 A9         10.600   22 44.7  -11 41   H1A    RM   2009-O25
 C/2009 A10        10.794   22 43.2  -11 26   H1A    AW   2009-O25
 C/2009 O1    July 18.870   11 12.2  + 2 32   CO     MK   2009-O25
[IUAC 9057, 2009 July 30]
 COMET 2009 F6
     On Apr. 4, R. D. Matson informed the Central Bureau that he
had found a possible comet on ultraviolet SWAN images posted at the
SOHO website, providing the rough positions below, and a search
ephemeris was then posted at the Minor Planet Center's 'NEOCP'
webpage.  Numerous CCD astrometrists and one visual observer have
reported confirmation of the object as a comet, with selected
positions provided below.

     2009 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     Mar. 29         23 03         +51.5                SWAN
          31         23 16         +52.5                  "
     Apr.  1         23 24         +53                    "
           3         23 36         +53                    "
           4         23 46         +54                    "
           6.15      23 54.0       +54 41.5       8.2   Gonzalez
           6.20771   23 54 17.90   +54 42 26.3   14.5   Hormuth
           6.45823   23 56 18.14   +54 47 35.9   13.8   Guido
           6.69785   23 58 12.89   +54 52 24.1   12.0   Kryachko
           6.77483   23 58 50.08   +54 53 56.5   12.7   Ligustri
           6.77945   23 58 51.85   +54 53 59.9          Ikari
           6.80162   23 59 03.04   +54 54 28.3   13.5   Bittesini
           6.80936   23 59 06.91   +54 54 36.7   11.3   Manca
           6.84729   23 59 25.31   +54 55 21.3   13.0   Buzzi

J. J. Gonzalez (Burgos, Spain).  Visual, 15-cm reflector; coma
 diameter 6'.
F. Hormuth (Almeria, Spain).  1.23-m reflector; 1'.5 coma with a
  well-defined core, in twilight.
E. Guido, G. Sostero, and P. Camilleri (Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.).
  Remotely controlled 25-cm f/3.4 reflector; diffuse coma about
  2'.5 in diameter, with a sharp central condensation about 20" in
T. Kryachko, S. Korotkiy, and B. Satovski (Zelenchukskaya).  30-cm
  reflector; bright 118" x 129" coma (major axis in p.a. 252 deg)
 with condensation.
R. Ligustri and P. Beltrame (Talmassons, Italy).  35-cm reflector.
  Coma diameter about 30".
Y. Ikari (Moriyama, Shiga-ken, Japan).  26-cm f/7 reflector; 0'.7
L. Bittesini, D. Di Maria, E. Pettarin, and F. Piani (Farra
  d'Isonzo, Italy).  30-cm f/4.5 reflector; coma diameter about 50".
F. Manca and A. Testa (Garbagnate Monastero, Italy).  50-cm
L. Buzzi (Varese, Italy).  60-cm refl.; 1'.5 coma, strong central
[IAUC 9034, 2009 April 6]
     Further to IAUC 9032, K. Battams reports that a slightly
diffuse comet of mag about 10-11 with no apparent tail (discovery
observation tabulated below) has been found on SECCHI HI-1B images
(cf. IAUC 8930, 8955).

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 G1    Apr.  3.572   21 03.2  - 6 25   HI*    JR   2009-G30
[IAUC 9036, 2009 April 9]
     K. Kadota (Ageo, Japan) has reported astrometry on Apr. 9.8 UT
with a 25-cm reflector, which shows that the prediction on IAUC
9036 was off by about 4'.  He found the comet to have total mag
10.6, a coma diameter of 4'.5, and strong central condensation; his
astrometry and the following revised orbital elements appear on
MPEC 2009-G32:

     T = 2009 Apr. 15.093 TT          Peri. = 173.823
                                      Node  = 120.657   2000.0
     q = 1.12993 AU                   Incl. = 108.091

     S. Korotskiy, Moscow, reports that he found a prediscovery
image of this comet (cf. IAUCs 9034, 9035) on an exposure (limiting
mag about 13) taken with a Canon EOS 20D digital camera (+ 50-mm
f/4 lens) at the Kazan State University observatory at Karachay-
Cherkessia, as given below:

     2009 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.
     Mar. 25.06024   22 28 28.8    +48 45 14     10.7
[IAUC 9037, 2009 April 10]
COMETS C/2009 A2, C/2009 A3, C/2009 A4, C/2009 A5 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9039, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images, being tiny and stellar in appearance
(peak mag about 7.5, except C/2009 A2 at mag about 7) in C3 images.
C/2009 A3 was small and "roughly stellar" in C2 images.  All except
C/2009 A2 (condensed, and teardrop-shaped) were slightly diffuse
and elongated (peak mag about 11, except C/2009 A2 and A3 at mag
about 10) in STEREO HI1-A images.

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 A2    Jan.  1.054   18 55.8  -25 55   C3     HS   2009-F18
 C/2009 A3          1.613   18 58.2  -25 28   C3/2   HS   2009-F30
 C/2009 A4          2.154   19 01.1  -25 14   C3     HS   2009-F30
 C/2009 A5          2.488   19 05.1  -25 39   C3     HS   2009-F30
[IAUC 9042, 2009 May 8]
COMETS C/2009 A7, C/2009 B8-B11, AND C/2009 C3-C4 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9042, additional apparent comets have been
found on SOHO website images -- all Kreutz sungrazers except for
C/2009 B10 (Meyer group).  C/2009 A7 was stellar in appearance (mag
about 7-7.5) in the C3 images; it was also imaged with the SECCHI
HI-1A camera, which showed it to be small and slightly diffuse at
mag about 11.  C/2009 B8 was slightly diffuse (mag about 7).
C/2009 B9 was stellar in appearance (mag about 7.5).  C/2009 B10
was stellar in appearance (mag about 7.5) and perhaps slightly
elongated.  C/2009 B11 was also stellar in appearance (mag about 7-
7.5).  C/2009 C3 was bright (mag about 2-3) with a thin tail in C3
images, while in C2 images it showed a long, thin tail that went
past the field-of-view and showed no appreciable 'head'.  C/2009 C4
was slightly elongated, peaking at mag about 7 (and brightening in
the last image).

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 A7    Jan.  4.513   19 14.0  -24 40   C3*    AK   2009-M41
 C/2009 B8         20.971   20 28.0  -21 46   C3     BZ   2009-M41
 C/2009 B9         29.238   21 01.3  -20 01   C3     ZX   2009-M41
 C/2009 B10        29.271   20 51.3  -16 28   C2     ZX   2009-M42
 C/2009 B11        30.804   21 09.7  -18 51   C3     TH   2009-M42
 C/2009 C3    Feb.  4.279   21 40.6  -18 41   C3/2   RM   2009-M42
 C/2009 C4          7.936   21 52.8  -17 05   C3     BZ   2009-M54
[IAUC 9055, 2009 July 6]
COMETS C/2009 C5 AND C/2009 D2-D4 (SOHO)
     Additional Kreutz sungrazers have been found on SOHO website
images (cf. IAUC 9055; ML = M. Kaluzny).  C/2009 C5 was faint and
slightly diffuse, peaking at mag about 7.  C/2009 D2 and C/2009 D3
were small and stellar in appearance, peaking at mag about 7 and
7-7.5, respectively.  C/2009 D4 showed a long, thin tail that was
visible in C3 images (which showed a small head that peaked at mag
about 2-3 and a tail length of about 1 degree) as well as in C2
SOHO images and in SECCHI COR2-A and COR2-B images.

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 C5    Feb. 11.529   21 54.9  -14 33   C3     ML   2009-M54
 C/2009 D2         19.179   22 27.5  -12 11   C3     JR   2009-M54
 C/2009 D3         19.321   22 26.9  -11 52   C3     BZ   2009-M54
 C/2009 D4         21.943   22 53.8  -11 59   C3/2*  TH   2009-M55
[IAUC 9056, 2009 July 14]
OMETS C/2009 D5 AND C/2009 D6 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9058, starlike apparent comets have been found
on SOHO website images:  C/2009 D5 was a Kreutz object (mag about
6.5-7), while Meyer-group member C/2009 D6 was slightly elongated
(mag about 7).

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 D5    Feb. 23.679   22 48.1  -10 41   C3     MK   2009-M55
 C/2009 D6         24.814   22 37.2  - 7 26   C2     RK   2009-M55
[IAUC 9059, 2009 July 31]
COMETS C/2009 L3-L17, C/2009 M1, AND C/2009 M2 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9059, additional presumed comets have been
found on SOHO website images, all being Kreutz sungrazers except
for C/2009 L8 and C/2009 L13 (Kracht group).  C/2009 L3 was very
diffuse and slightly elongated (mag about 7.5).  C/2009 L4 was
stellar in appearance (mag about 6.5) in C3 images but quite large
and very condensed with no visible tail in C2 images; COR2-A STEREO
images show a bright starlike head and a very faint, thin tail.
C/2009 L5, C/2009 L7, C/2009 L11 (also described as small), and
C/2009 L15 were slightly diffuse (peak magnitudes about 7.5, 7.5-8,
8, and 8, respectively).  C/2009 L6 was stellar in appearance (mag
about 6.5-7) in C3 images, and condensed with no tail in C2 images.
C/2009 L8 (mag about 7-7.5) and C/2009 L13 (mag about 7.5-8) were
small and stellar in appearance.  C/2009 L9 and C/2009 L12 were
very diffuse (mag about 8).  C/2009 L10 (slightly diffuse), C/2009
L14 (quite diffuse), and C/2009 M1 (quite diffuse) were very faint
(mag about 8.5).  C/2009 L16 was quite diffuse (mag about 7.5).
C/2009 L17 was stellar in appearance (mag about 6.5) in C3 images,
but quite diffuse with a short, faint tail in C2 images.  C/2009
M2 was small and stellar in appearance (mag about 7) in C3 images,
and showed a hint of a very faint tail in C2 images.

 Comet        2009 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 L3    June 3.785    4 45.2  +20 33   C2     RK   2009-O19
 C/2009 L4         3.888    4 48.7  +18 35   C3/2*  BZ   2009-O19
 C/2009 L5         4.893    4 49.3  +20 39   C2     RK   2009-O19
 C/2009 L6         5.988    4 55.2  +19 25   C3/2   BZ   2009-O19
 C/2009 L7         1.381    4 35.2  +20 12   C2     BZ   2009-O21
 C/2009 L8         6.979    4 51.8  +22 41   C2     TH   2009-O21
 C/2009 L9         7.229    4 56.6  +20 51   C2     GS   2009-O21
 C/2009 L10        7.329    4 58.4  +20 57   C2     BZ   2009-O21
 C/2009 L11        7.671    5 00.3  +20 56   C2     MK   2009-O21
 C/2009 L12        8.893    5 02.7  +20 54   C2     MU   2009-O22
 C/2009 L13        9.185    5 12.1  +23 26   C2     RK   2009-O22
 C/2009 L14       10.185    5 09.8  +21 09   C2     BZ   2009-O22
 C/2009 L15       10.910    5 12.2  +21 11   C2     RM   2009-O22
 C/2009 L16       14.393    5 25.8  +21 22   C2     MK   2009-P01
 C/2009 L17       15.013    5 25.0  +20 18   C3/2   MU   2009-P01
 C/2009 M1        21.838    5 55.1  +21 42   C2     BZ   2009-P01
 C/2009 M2        22.238    5 56.5  +20 42   C3/2   MK   2009-P01
[IAUC 9065, 2009 August 22]
COMETS C/2009 D7 AND C/2009 D8 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9059, additional presumed comets have been
found on SOHO website images.  C/2009 D7 was bright (mag about 4)
with a short tail in LASCO C3 images, while it showed a short tail
and faded quickly in C2 images; this comet was also detected in
STEREO COR2-A and COR2-B images with a tail about 0.3 deg long.
C/2009 D8 was slightly elongated, small, and stellar in apperance
(mag about 7, but it faded rapidly).

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 D7    Feb. 26.029   23 09.7  -10 31   C3/2*  MU   2009-N01
 C/2009 D8         26.129   22 42.2  - 7 03   C2     BZ   2009-N01
[IAUC 9070, 2009 September 1]
COMETS C/2009 E2-E5, C/2009 F8, AND C/2009 F9 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUCs 9065 and 9070, additional presumed comets
have been found on SOHO website images -- all Kreutz sungrazers
except for C/2009 E3 (Meyer group).  C/2009 E2 (also found by B.
Zhou) was small and slightly diffuse (mag about 7).  C/2009 E3 was
tiny and stellar in appearance (mag about 7.5-8), and it faded
rapidly.  C/2009 E4 was small and slightly diffuse (mag about 6.5-7)
in C3 images; in C2 images it was faint, diffuse, and slightly
elongated.  C/2009 E5 was very diffuse (mag about 8).  C/2009 F8
was slightly diffuse (mag about 7-7.5) in C3 images, and small and
elongated in C2 images.  C/2009 F9 was very small and condensed
(mag about 7.5) in C3 images, and slightly elongated (but stellar
in appearance) in C2 images.

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 E2    Mar.  1.221   23 07.6  - 8 16   C3     MK   2009-N01
 C/2009 E3          7.463   23 17.1  - 3 27   C2     EB   2009-N01
 C/2009 E4         10.138   23 44.8  - 5 09   C3/2   WX   2009-N01
 C/2009 E5         10.229   23 30.5  - 4 49   C2     BZ   2009-N29
 C/2009 F8         16.862    0 04.1  - 2 09   C3/2   MU   2009-N29
 C/2009 F9         28.471    0 44.4  + 2 17   C3/2   HS   2009-N29
[IAUC 9077, 2009 September 28]
COMETS C/2009 F10, C/2009 G2-G6 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9077, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  All were very diffuse except for
C/2009 G2 (which was small and elongated, with a short, faint tail)
and C/2009 G3 (which was small and condensed, peaking at mag about
7 in C3 images, though C2 images showed it to have a hint of a tail
and a 'lump' suggestive of possible fragmenting).  Approximate peak
magnitudes in C2 images:  C/2009 F10, 8-8.5; C/2009 G2, 7; C/2009
G4, 8.5; C/2009 G5 and C/2009 G6, 8.

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 F10   Mar. 30.038    0 43.5  + 3 09   C2     MU   2009-N29
 C/2009 G2    Apr.  2.104    0 52.4  + 3 52   C2     HS   2009-N30
 C/2009 G3          2.113    1 04.4  + 3 47   C3/2   BZ   2009-N30
 C/2009 G4          4.646    1 03.9  + 5 13   C2     AK   2009-N30
 C/2009 G5          6.963    1 12.1  + 6 02   C2     HS   2009-N30
 C/2009 G6         10.329    1 24.6  + 7 11   C2     BZ   2009-N30
[IAUC 9079, 2009 October 9]
COMETS C/2009 G7, C/2009 G8, C/2009 H3 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9079, additional presumed comet have been
found on SOHO website images.  K. Battams reports that C/2009 G7, a
Kreutz sungrazer, was stellar in appearance and tiny (mag about 7)
in C3 images, and small and condensed in C2 images.  C/2009 G8, a
non-group comet, was slightly diffuse and elongated (mag about
7-7.5).  C/2009 H3, also a Kreutz sungrazer, was diffuse and
elongated (mag about 8).

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 G7    Apr. 13.488    1 44.8  + 6 34   C3/2   AK   2009-N33
 C/2009 G8         13.963    1 33.2  +11 20   C2     BZ   2009-N33
 C/2009 H3         18.504    1 51.9  + 9 46   C2     MK   2009-N33
[IAUC 9080, 2009 October 11]
COMETS C/2009 H4-H8 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9080, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  C/2009 H4 was small, slightly
diffuse, and slightly elongated (peak mag about 8).  C/2009 H5 was
diffuse with a short, faint tail (mag about 7.5).  C/2009 H6 (mag
about 7), C/2009 H7 (mag about 8.5), and C/2009 H8 (mag about 7-7.5)
were all small and stellar in appearance.

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 H4    Apr. 19.476    1 56.9  +10 16   C2     MK   2009-N33
 C/2009 H5         22.351    2 03.9  +10 50   C2     BZ   2009-N34
 C/2009 H6         23.976    2 12.8  +11 43   C2     BZ   2009-N34
 C/2009 H7         24.243    2 14.1  +11 46   C2     RK   2009-N34
 C/2009 H8         24.471    2 22.5  +11 00   C3     RM   2009-N34
[IAUC 9083, 2009 October 15]
COMETS C/2009 J1 AND C/2009 J2 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9083, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  C/2009 J1 was slightly diffuse with
a short tail (peak mag about 6.5-7).  C/2009 J2 was very faint (mag
about 8-8.5) and diffuse.

 Comet        2009 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 J1    May  3.008    2 45.9  +14 20    C2    MU   2009-N46
 C/2009 J2         3.458    2 47.6  +14 27    C2    MK   2009-N46
[IAUC 9084, 2009 October 21]
COMETS C/2009 J3-J10 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9084, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  C/2009 J3 (peak mag about 6.5),
C/2009 J5 (mag about 8-8.5), C/2009 J7 (mag about 8.5), and C/2009
J9 (mag about 7.5-8) were all stellar in appearance and generally
small or tiny.  C/2009 J4 was a diffuse streak (mag about 7.5-8).
C/2009 J6 was slightly diffuse and tiny (mag about 7.5) in C3
images, and slightly diffuse but elongated in C2 images.  C/2009 J8
was quite condensed (mag about 7).  C/2009 J10 was quite diffuse
and slightly elongated (mag about 7.5-8).

 Comet        2009 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 J3    May  3.846    2 51.6  +13 05    C3    TH   2009-N46
 C/2009 J4         5.033    2 50.3  +14 41    C2    MU   2009-N46
 C/2009 J5         6.192    2 56.8  +15 05    C2    BZ   2009-N46
 C/2009 J6         6.529    3 00.7  +14 54    C3/2  RK   2009-N47
 C/2009 J7         6.617    2 58.8  +15 15    C2    ML   2009-N47
 C/2009 J8         8.633    3 06.2  +15 50    C2    MK   2009-N47
 C/2009 J9         9.576    3 09.7  +15 59    C2    MK   2009-N47
 C/2009 J10       11.351    3 16.1  +16 26    C2    RK   2009-N49
[IAUC 9088, 2009 October 25]
COMETS C/2009 J11, C/2009 J12, AND C/2009 K6 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9088, two additional near-sun presumed comets
have been found on SOHO website images.  C/2009 J11, a Kreutz
sungrazer, was tiny and stellar in appearance in C3 images (peak
mag about 7-7.5), but slightly diffuse with a hint of a very faint
tail in C2 images.  C/2009 J12 (a Marsden-group member; mag about
7.5-8) and C/2009 K6 (also a Kreutz sungrazer; mag about 7) were
also stellar in appearance.

 Comet        2009 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 J11   May 13.221    3 23.9  +16 24    C3/2  BZ   2009-N49
 C/2009 J12       15.579    3 34.5  +19 23    C2    RK   2009-N49
 C/2009 K6        17.229    3 38.0  +17 48    C2    BZ   2009-N49
[IAUC 9090, 2009 October 29]
COMETS C/2009 K7-K12 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9090, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  K. Battams notes that C/2009 K7 was
small and perhaps slightly diffuse (peak mag about 7.5) in C3
images, but quite diffuse and slightly elongated in C2 images.
C/2009 K8 was tiny and stellar in appearance (mag about 8.5).
C/2009 K9 was slightly diffuse (mag about 7) in C3 images, but
quite diffuse with a short tail (and a "knot" in the tail) in C2
images.  C/2009 K10 was a "very diffuse streak" (mag about 7.5).
C/2009 K11 was stellar in appearance (mag about 6.5) in C3 images,
but slightly diffuse and fading very fast in C2 images.  C/2009 K12
was diffuse (mag about 8).

 Comet        2009 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 K7    May 20.346    3 49.1  +17 27   C3/2   BZ   2009-N50
 C/2009 K8        24.254    4 05.0  +19 04   C2     MK   2009-N50
 C/2009 K9        26.988    4 18.1  +18 31   C3/2   MU   2009-N50
 C/2009 K10       27.938    4 18.6  +19 39   C2     MU   2009-N50
 C/2009 K11       29.221    4 24.2  +18 14   C3/2   MU   2009-O18
 C/2009 K12       30.397    4 28.0  +20 02   C2     MK   2009-O18
[IAUC 9091, 2009 November 2]
COMETS C/2009 K13 AND C/2009 K14 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9091, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  C/2009 K13 was slightly diffuse and
small (mag about 8).  C/2009 K14 was very diffuse and very faint
(mag about 8-8.5).

 Comet        2009 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 K13   May 31.171    4 31.0  +20 05   C2     BZ   2009-O18
 C/2009 K14       31.746    4 31.4  +20 02   C2     BZ   2009-O18
[IAUC 9092, 2009 November 4]
COMET C/2009 M3 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9092, another Kreutz sungrazer has been found
on SOHO website images.  C/2009 M3 was stellar in appearance (peak
mag about 6.5-7) on C3 images, but slightly diffuse and elongated
in C2 images.

 Comet       2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 M3   June 22.700    5 57.8  +20 35   C3/2   BZ   2009-P02
[IAUC 9094, 2009 November 11]
COMETS C/2009 M4 AND C/2009 M5 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9094, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  C/2009 M4 was small and stellar in
appearance (peak mag about 7) on C3 images, but quite diffuse (mag
about 8.5) and elongated in C2 images.  C/2009 M5 was very faint
(mag about 8.5) and very diffuse.

 Comet       2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 M4   June 24.488    6 04.5  +21 06   C3/2   RK   2009-P02
 C/2009 M5        25.038    6 07.6  +21 50   C2     BZ   2009-P02
[IAUC 9112, 2010 January 28]
COMETS C/2009 M6, C/2009 M7, C/2009 M8, C/2009 N1 (SOHO)
     Additional presumed comets have been found on SOHO website
images -- Kreutz sungrazers except for C/2009 M8 and C/2009 N1
(non-group).  C/2009 M6 was very faint (mag about 8.5) and slightly
diffuse.  C/2009 M7 was diffuse (mag about 8).  C/2008 M8 was
appeared stellar, appearing quite bright (mag about 6.5-7) but
fading fast in C2 images.  C/2009 N1 was slightly diffuse (mag
about 7) in C3 images, and a faint, diffuse streak in C2 images.

 Comet       2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 M6   June 25.604    6 09.9  +21 52   C2     MU   2009-P02
 C/2009 M7        26.908    6 15.3  +21 48   C2     BZ   2009-P20
 C/2009 M8        30.071    6 32.4  +25 58   C3/2   RK   2009-P20
 C/2009 N1   July  2.596    6 42.8  +26 41   C3/2   BZ   2009-P20
[IAUC 9113, 2010 January 29]
COMETS C/2009 N2, C/2009 N3, C/2009 O5, C/2009 P3 (SOHO)
     Additional presumed comets have been found on SOHO website
images -- Kreutz sungrazers except for C/2009 N3 (non-group).
C/2009 N2 was small and stellar in appearance (mag about 7-7.5) in
C3 images, but small and slightly diffuse in C2 images.  C/2009 N3
was stellar in appearance and brighter (mag about 6.5-7 at about
July 5.04 UT).  C/2009 O5 was also stellar in appearance (mag about
6.5).  C/2009 P3 was slightly elongated (mag about 5.5-6).

 Comet       2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 N2   July  4.179    6 42.5  +20 51   C3/2   MK   2009-P20
 C/2009 N3         4.896    6 47.8  +22 59   C2     BZ   2009-P20
 C/2009 O5        29.154    8 16.1  +17 01   C3     BZ   2009-W09
 C/2009 P3   Aug.  1.196    8 23.5  +15 28   C3     MK   2009-W09
[IAUC 9114, 2010 February 5]
COMETS C/2009 P4, C/2009 P5, C/2009 Q6, C/2009 Q7 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUCs 9112, 9113, and 9114, additional Kreutz
sungrazers have been found on SOHO website images.  All were small
and stellar in appearance except for C/2009 P5 (slightly elongated,
with peak mag about 6.5).  C/2009 P4 and C/2009 Q6 peaked near mag
7, whereas C/2009 Q7 (which was also found by M. Kusiak) peaked
near mag about 7-7.5.

 Comet       2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 P4   Aug.  9.971    9 03.1  +14 20   C3     BZ   2009-W09
 C/2009 P5        11.071    8 59.4  +13 21   C3     BZ   2009-W09
 C/2009 Q6        20.904    9 41.8  +11 11   C3     ZX   2009-W10
 C/2009 Q7        22.763    9 51.5  +10 49   C3     ZX   2009-W10
[IAUC 9115, 2010 February 8]
COMETS C/2009 Q8, C/2009 V1, C/2009 V2 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9115, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  K. Battams notes that C/2009 Q8 was
small and stellar in appearance (peak mag about 6.5-7).  Comets
C/2009 V1 and C/2009 V2 were very faint (peak mag about 8-8.5) and
slightly diffuse.  A. Watson also found images for the latter two
comets in STEREO/SECCHI HI-1 website data.

 Comet       2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 Q8   Aug. 31.138   10 20.4  + 7 49   C3     MU   2009-W10
 C/2009 V1   Nov.  5.054   14 32.6  -17 21   C3     MU   2010-B27
 C/2009 V2         5.571   14 32.7  -17 53   C3     MU   2010-B27
[IAUC 9116, 2010 February 9]
COMETS C/2009 Y3 AND C/2009 Y4 (STEREO)
     Further to IAUC 9057, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on STEREO HI-1 website images (and subsequently on SOHO
website images).  K. Battams notes that C/2009 Y3 was found by M.
Uchina in SOHO C2 website data, where it peaked at mag about 7-7.5
and showed a 'double nucleus' that was not visible in HI-1 images.
C/2009 Y4 was bright (perhaps near mag 1 at peak), saturating SOHO
C3 and C2 images, where the tail was > 1 deg long; in HI-1 images,
the tail was several degrees long.

 Comet       2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 Y3   Dec. 19.184   12 50.3  - 9 58   HI-1   AW   2010-B28
 C/2009 Y4        31.128   13 05.8  -16 31   HI-1   AW   2010-B28
[IAUC 9117, 2010 February 16]
Here is a list of the latest SOHO discoveries, with the date of the comet, date of discovery, coronagraph and discoverer.
Published by Jonathan Shanklin.