The table list the provisional number for the comet, the day (UT) and month of the first (discovery) observation, the year and comet identification, the LASCO or STEREO coronagraph on which it was discovered, the discoverer (additional names are independent discoverers), with the number of their discoveries given in brackets following the name, and finally the date of discovery.
SOHO Observed Des C G Observers Discovered 01/01/2025 C3 K Zhijian Xu January 1 03/01/2025 C3 K Jiangao Ruan January 3 13/01/2025 C3 K Jiangao Ruan January 13 13/01/2025 C3 K Worachate Boonplod January 13 15/01/2025 C3 K Worachate Boonplod January 15 21/01/2025 C3 K Worachate Boonplod January 21 22/01/2025 C3 K Jiangao Ruan January 22The column headed Des is the half month or other designation of the comet. The column headed C gives the SOHO instrument (C2 or C3 for the LASCO coronagraphs, SW for SWAN, T1 or T2 for STEREO) that the comet was discovered in. The column headed G indicates if it is a provisional member of the Kreutz group (K), Meyer group (Y), Marsden group (D), Kracht (R) or other comet (O). P in the SOHO number column indicates the discovery is pending, C indicates that it is confirmed, but not yet numbered, U indicates that is was not confirmed, X that it was confirmed, but there were insufficient observations.
Note that my observer count also includes X/ comets which are not counted as confirmed comets by the SOHO team. Where two or more people report discoveries nearly simultaneously, up to the first three observers are credited here. Where discoverers are clearly not following the SOHO or BAA Comet Section guidelines, they are not credited here at all. If initial reports don't include sufficient positions others may also be credited.
Official milestones:
It is possible that there are further comets to be found in the archival data, most likely non-group comets, but there may still be some Kreutz comets. AI scanning during 2022 is however likely to have mopped most of them up.