Gerry Gilmore, FInstP, Hon
Professor of Experimental Philosophy; Coordinator, OPTICON.
1st image by Lucinda Douglas-Menzies, from `Portraits of
Astronomers', 2009;
"interesting" ancestors - James Gilmor, Beauchamp Tower, Tower of London,
Gnome and Gnome is a theme...;
I remain a kiwi at heart, and Hon Fellow of the Royal
Astronomical Society of New Zealand and of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Lower images:
Daniel Chalonge medal, 2013; Gaia is a major part of my career;
3rd image by Max Alexander, from `Explorers
of the Universe' exhibitions, 2009/2010
4th image: Little Doctor by Sophie Gilmore, ISBN 978-1-77147-344-6
Postal Address Institute of
Astronomy University of Cambridge Madingley Road Cambridge
CB3 0HA United Kingdom
Telephone: (UK)+44 (0)1223-337506 (office), +44(0)771-2774522 (mobile)
Email gil @
a brief
academic CV
Daniel Chalonge medal, 2013
Research Interests
Gerry Gilmore's research is largely related
to Stellar
populations which are a great way to find what matter really is, and where it is...
- Gaia: the origins of the
- Gaia
project history article from IAUS 330
Gaia review article article published in Contemporary
Physics March 2018
- Gaia
talk a non-technical (April 2017) Gaia talk
- Gaia-ESO Survey: what is in the Galaxy?
- Galactic and galactic chemical evolution: the histories of Stardust
- Dark Mass distribution in galaxies: searching for the nature of matter
- Stellar luminosity function: how much mass is understood?
- OPTICON, the EC Optical Infrared Coordination Network for astronomy
- E-ELT,
next generation very large telescope: look at
the ESO web site for news.
Articles and other Publications
a Coptic eclipse published in Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie
u. Epigraphik 158 (2006) pp 190-192 Introduction to the Gaia-ESO Survey
published in the ESO Messenger No 147 Picture of the Galaxy and
the Sgr dwarf galaxy published in
Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 35 637-675 (1997) Publications
from the preprint server from the last twelve months Published
papers from the ADS
publication and citation metrics
at March 2019