DWE Computing & WWW page
Here are some links to computing & WWW pages.
Information about the Web.
World Wide Web Consortium - Lots of information about the Web.
Search Engines
Google - currently my favourite search engine.
Hotbot - another search engine I like.
Mamma - apparantly the mother of all search engines.
Yahoo - An index of topics and a search engine (UK link).
WebCrawler Searching
WhoWhere - If you want to find someone's email address, there's a chance
that this might work.
General Computing information
STARLINK - Information on the Starlink Project, the computing
facility for UK astronomers.
Turbo Pascal Programmers Page -
Real programmers don't use Pascal.
Borland - source of the Pascal I used to use.
Fortran 90 - A Fortran 90 tutorial for the Fortran 77 Programmer.
SunSITE Northern Europe at the Department of Computing, Imperial College, London.
PGPLOT - A graphics subroutine library which I use a lot.
List of USENET FAQs - An archive of "Frequently Asked Questions" that
have been posted to the USENET.
NAG (Fortran 77 Library) - Some NAG documentation.
Info on HTML - Some of the stuff I found useful in constructing this
home page.
CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network: lots of stuff about Perl.
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Published by Dafydd Wyn Evans / IoA / dwe @ ast.cam.ac.uk
Last update 1 November 2021