Dafydd's Astronomy Page

Here are some links to astronomical WWW pages.

* Carlsberg Meridian Telescope - Probably the best meridian telescope in the world.
* Hipparcos - ESA Astrometric Satellite.
* GAIA - The next ESA Astrometric Satellite (Cornerstone 6) - to be launched no later than 2012.
* Cambridge Astronomy Home Page - The general home page for all Cambridge's astronomical institutions.
* La Palma - Information about the telescopes on El Roque de los Muchachos, which includes the ING group of telescopes. The IAC have a good weather page for La Palma. If you want more detailed weather information for the Observatory then the NOT and ING have the info for you.
* NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Abstract Service - very useful. US link. You may also need the astro-ph server.
* AstroWeb - a collection of pointers to astronomy-related information available on the Internet.
* APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day.
* Astronomer's Bazaar - Catalogues at the CDS.
* SIMBAD - The SIMBAD astronomical database.
* STARLINK - Information on the Starlink Project, the computing facility for UK astronomers.
* The Digitized Sky Survey - Almost faster than going to the plate library (LEDAS, UK link). The STScI link (US).
* Space Telescope - Information about the Hubble Space Telescope.
* Exoplanets - List of currently known extrasolar planets.
* Space Calendar - What's about to happen in space soon.
* Astronomy Now - All the latest from Astronomy Now.
* Today at NASA - All the latest news from NASA. From here you can get information on most NASA things.
* Solar System - The Solar System Dynamics group at JPL. If you want some ephemerides click here.
* IERS - The bulletins of the International Earth Rotation Service.
* IAU WWW home page - International Astronomical Union - "You don't get me I'm part of the union."
* RAS - Royal Astronomical Society.
* Astronomy Acknowledgement Index - See how often people acknowledge you.
* SkyView - as the blurb says "SkyView is a Virtual Observatory on the Net. SkyView generates images of any part of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from radio to gamma-ray".
* Bad Astronomy - how to get things wrong.

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Published by Dafydd Wyn Evans / IoA / dwe @ ast.cam.ac.uk
Last modified 5 June 2023